Portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Authors: Liao Z & Losonczy A
Authors: Turi GF, Liao Z, Li WK, Zaremba JD, Grosmark AD, Luo X, Topolnik L, Losonczy A
Authors: Sparks FT, Siegfried W, Liao Z, Li WK, Nyilas R, Vancura B, Blockus H, Vaziri A, Losonczy A
Authors: Sparks FT*, Liao Z*, Soltesz I, Losonczy A
Authors: Sparks FT*, Liao Z*, Soltesz I, Losonczy A
Authors: Liao Z, Losonczy A, Papadimitriou C Talk recording
Authors: Terada S, Liao Z, Hadjiabadi D, Soltesz I, Losonczy A
Authors: Liao Z*, Hadjiabadi D*, Terada S, Soltesz I, Losonczy A
Authors: Hadjiabadi D, Liao Z*, Nguyen Q, Terada S, Losonczy A, Soltesz I
Authors: Liao Z</b>, Hadjiabadi D, Terada S, Soltesz I, Losonczy A
Published in Nature Neuroscience, 2017
Recommended citation: Zaremba JD, Diamantopoulou A, Danielson NB, Grosmark AD, Kaifosh PW, Bowler JC, Liao Z, Sparks FT, Gogos JA, Losonczy A. Impaired hippocampal place cell dynamics in a mouse model of the 22q11. 2 deletion. Nature neuroscience. 2017 Nov;20(11):1612-23. https://www.nature.com/articles/nn.4634
Published in Neuron, 2019
Recommended citation: Turi GF*, Li WK*, Chavlis S*, Pandi I, O’Hare J, Priestley JB, Grosmark AD, Liao Z, Ladow M, Zhang JF, Zemelman BV. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing interneurons in the hippocampus support goal-oriented spatial learning. Neuron. 2019 Mar 20;101(6):1150-65. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627319300108
Published in Nature Communications, 2020
Recommended citation: Sparks FT*, Liao Z*, Li W, Grosmark A, Soltesz I, Losonczy A. Hippocampal adult-born granule cells drive network activity in a mouse model of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. Nature Communications. 2020 Dec 01;11(1):1-3. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19969-2
Published in Neuron, 2021
Recommended citation: Hadjiabadi D, Lovett-Barron M, Raikov IG, Sparks FT, Liao Z, Baraban SC, Leskovec J, Losonczy A, Deisseroth K, Soltesz I. Maximally selective single-cell target for circuit control in epilepsy models. Neuron. 2021 Jun 30. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627321004220
Published in Neuron, 2021
Recommended citation: Dudok B*, Szoboszlay M*, Anirban P*, Klein P*, Liao Z*, Hwaun E, Szabo GG, Geiller T, Vancura B, Wang BS, McKenzie S, Homidan J, Klaver L, English DF, Huang ZJ, Buzsáki G, Losonczy A, Soltesz I. Recruitment and inhibitory action of hippocampal axo-axonic cells during behavior. Neuron. 2021 Oct 13. https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0896-6273(21)00706-6
Published in Nature, 2021
Recommended citation: Terada S, Geiller T*, Liao Z*, O'Hare J*, Vancura B*, Losonczy A. Adaptive stimulus selection for consolidation in the hippocampus. Nature. 2021 Dec 08. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04118-6
Published in Nature Communications, 2022
Recommended citation: Anli A. Liu, Simon Henin, Saman Abbaspoor, Anatol Bragin, Elizabeth A. Buffalo, Jordan S. Farrell, David J. Foster, Loren M. Frank, Tamara Gedankien, Jean Gotman, Jennifer A. Guidera, Kari L. Hoffman, Joshua Jacobs, Michael J. Kahana, Lin Li, Zhenrui Liao, Jack J. Lin, Attila Losonczy, Rafael Malach, Matthijs A. van der Meer, Kathryn McClain, Bruce L. McNaughton, Yitzhak Norman, Andrea Navas-Olive, Liset M. de la Prida, Jon W. Rueckemann, John J. Sakon, Ivan Skelin, Ivan Soltesz, Bernhard P. Staresina, Shennan A. Weiss, Matthew A. Wilson, Kareem A. Zaghloul, Michaël Zugaro & György Buzsáki. A consensus statement on detection of hippocampal sharp wave ripples and differentiation from other fast oscillations. Nature Communications. 2022 Oct 12. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-33536-x
Published in bioRxiv, 2022
Recommended citation: Liao Z, Hadjiabadi D, Terada S, Soltesz I, and Losonczy A. An inhibitory plasticity mechanism for world structure inference by hippocampal replay. bioRxiv. 2022 Nov 03. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.02.514897.abstract
Published in PLOS Computational Biology, 2022
Recommended citation: Liu LB, Losonczy A and Liao Z. tension: A Python package for FORCE learning. PLOS Computational Biology. 2022 Dec 19. https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010722
Published in bioRxiv, 2023
Recommended citation: Gonzalez KC, Negrean A, Liao Z, Polleux F, Losonczy A. Synaptic Basis of Behavioral Timescale Plasticity. bioRxiv. 2023 Oct 04. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.10.04.560848v1.abstract
Investigator workshop at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society 2021
Undergraduate course, Teaching Assistant, Columbia University, Department of Mathematics, 2014
Undergraduate course, Teaching Assistant (with Professor Davesh Maulik), Columbia University, Department of Mathematics, 2015
Undergraduate course, Teaching Assistant + Project Mentor, Imperial College, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2015
Graduate course, Teaching Assistant (with Professor Daniel Hsu), Columbia University, Department of Computer Science, 2016
Graduate course, Teaching Assistant (with Professor Itsik Pe'er), Columbia University, Department of Computer Science, 2017
PhD seminar, Teaching Assistant (with Professor Omri Weinstein), Columbia University, Department of Computer Science, 2017
Graduate course, Teaching Assistant (with Professor Nakul Verma), Columbia University, Department of Computer Science, 2018
PhD seminar, Teaching Assistant (with Professor Nakul Verma), Columbia University, Department of Computer Science, 2018
PhD seminar, Teaching Assistant (with Professor Nakul Verma), Columbia University, Department of Computer Science, 2020
PhD seminar, Teaching Assistant (with Professor Christos Papadimitriou), Columbia University, Department of Computer Science, 2020
Graduate course, TA/Co-instructor (with Danil Tyukmanov), Columbia University, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, 2021
PhD seminar, Teaching Assistant (with Professor Christos Papadimitriou), Columbia University, Department of Computer Science, 2021
Winter course, Instructor, InspiritAI, 2021